Enrichment and Visits
Enrichment and Visits
At Newchurch St. Nicholas, we thrive on the joy the children feel when visitors come into school or when our pupils visit other places. The pictures below will show you just how much our children love the visits and trips we offer!
Parental Engagement
At Newchurch St. Nicholas, we love it when parents/guardians can get involved in what the children are learning in school. We try to commit ourselves to planning events that are exciting for both children and parents/guardians, therefore we invite parents/guardians into school for as many events as possible.
We hope you enjoy these events as much as we do!
Community Involvement
As a school we absolutely love getting ourselves involved with the people of our community. Therefore children of Newchurch St. Nicholas often visit our linked church - St. Nicholas Church - and also Brandwood, which is local social housing.