Mrs. World
Welcome to Year 2!
Welcome to Year 2's class page. This is where you will find important information such as PE information, homework, newsletters and links. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
Mrs World
In Spring 1 Year 2 have PE on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child has both indoor and outdoor kit in for both these sessions. Wednesday's session will be gymnastics with Coach Hayley and children will need an inside kit including pumps.
Indoor Kit
White t-shirt
Blue or black shorts
Outdoor Kit
Blue or black tracksuit
White t-shirt
No jewellery is allowed and please ensure earrings are removed for PE days.
Forest School
On a Friday afternoon Year 2 will be taking part in Forest School sessions run by Miss Elsom. The children will be outside for the afternoon and as such it is essential they are dressed appropriately. Please ensure the children have
- Wellies or walking boots
- Waterproof coat and trousers
- Spare clothes brought in a re-usable bag
- Warm clothing