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School Motto




The teaching of reading is prioritised to allow pupils to access the full curriculum offer. A rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum develops pupils’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment in reading.  Reading is taught initially via high-quality and pacy daily phonics sessions following the 'Twinkl' scheme. There is a sharp focus on ensuring that younger children gain phonics knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, and the skills to communicate, gives them the foundations for future learning. 

The children have a rich reading curriculum and the skills of reading are taught through effective shared and guided reading sessions which are sequential and build upon prior learning.


In Early Years and KS1 children read books, or discuss picture books, which are matched to the phonics phase that they are currently working on and read bug club books. In KS2, children read books that match the year group they are in, following a half-termly assessment, the Salford Reading and Comprehension test. If they complete the book linked to their reading age, then they are 'free readers' for the remainder of the academic year.


Guided reading takes place in all classes, using texts matched to the needs of the children. This is completed as a whole class where teachers actively teach how to comprehend a variety of text types and genres.


A love for learning is promoted throughout school with daily reading time, class reading areas, visits to the school library and promoting reading where possible through special events such as World Book Day. KS2 regularly take part in Lancashire's Fantastic Book Awards to celebrate new and exciting books and KS1 have begun to participate in the Brilliant Book Awards. 


Across all year groups, there is an expectation that children read to an adult at home at least once a week. However, we would love to see children reading at home much more than that! Books will be changed on a Monday and/or a Thursday. If your child is waiting for a book change, please read their current book again or question their comprehension of what they have read.


Books for Topics has created a list of 50 texts which children should be encouraged to read/be heard read each year. Take a look at our Virtual Library which has links for children to click and hear texts read aloud.


Newchurch St. Nicholas Virtual Library

Recommended reads.


Books for Topics have drawn together a list of 50 books per school year which are recommended children read. This is to ensure you child has a wide variety and breadth of texts to draw from, relate to, compare and critique throughout the primary school journey.

How many can your child read whilst at Newchurch St. Nicholas?

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