School Logo



School Motto

Mrs. Phelan

Year 4/5 (updated for 2023-2024)

Hello! Welcome to your child's class page. This is where you will find all the information you need from PE days to our termly newsletters and homework. 


This half term PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday during the Summer term. It is really important that children have a full indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times. We will aim to be outside as much as the weather permits so having the right kit allows the children to take part successfully. Please remember, for safety, there is no jewellery allowed and earrings should be removed on P.E. days.


Indoor Kit

White t-shirt

Blue or black shorts



Outdoor Kit

Blue or black tracksuit

White t-shirt



If you have any concerns or would like to discuss your child's progress at any time, please feel free to ask at the class door :)



Year 4/5 animated elves.

Still image for this video
During the Christmas term, we created playscripts about cheeky elves. Using Sketch, we brought our elves to life!

Newsletter and Homework


Children are expected to complete at least one activity off their 'Take Away' menu a week. They also have a reading book which we would like to see them reading at home as much as possible. You can show us how much they are reading by writing a comment on their log. 


Summer 2

Summer 1

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