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School Motto


On behalf of the Governors, staff , pupils and myself I warmly welcome you to the website of Newchurch St. Nicholas.


Our school is a one form entry Church of England Primary School in Newchurch. The building is modern and bright with large classrooms which are well resourced. We are lucky to have extensive grounds and fabulous views and try to make the most of our wonderful setting.

Visitors to the school often comment on the warm, welcoming atmosphere which reflects our Christian and family values. We are proud of the partnership we have with our parents and hold themed assemblies ,Open Mornings, parental workshops and subject trails to which parents are welcome. 


We are committed to ensuring that  the education the children receive here will enable  them to achieve their academic potential and progress confidently into the next phase of their education. It is also part of our vision that in the ever changing world we live in,our children are confident to embrace whatever comes their way with a positive outlook.


The school website is only a small window into our school. If you like what you see here and would like to know more, please contact the school. I would be delighted to show you round the school so that you can see personally all we have to offer.


Gemma Callaghan 


A-Z of St. Nicholas

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