School Logo



School Motto

Mrs. O'Mara


On Thursday 20th June, we will be visiting Manchester Cathedral and Football Museum. We have been learning the Lord's Prayer in sign language in preparation for this. The following is the link we have been using if you'd like to practice at home.

Summer 2 

A very happy welcome back to the last of the summer term! We have a very busy one again, so please keep an eye out for class letters, app messages, and dates for your diary on the school's weekly newsletter. 


Thursday 20th June: Manchester Cathedral and Football Museum trip. 

Friday 28th June: Marl Pits Mini Olympics trip. 

Friday 5th-Sunday 7th July: Robinwood Residential 

Tuesday 16th July: Year 6 Leavers' Service (details TBA)

Wednesday 17th July: Year 6 Leaver's Party (details TBA). 


PE days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Both kits will be needed as well as sunhats and sunscreen for warm weather.

Summer 2 Class Newsletter

Summer 1 

Summer 1 2024


Hello everyone and welcome back! I hope you have had a wonderful break and are ready for the term ahead; it is going to be a busy one!



We will be continuing with our CGP booklets in preparation for the SATs in the middle of May. Your child will bring home a slip every Friday with details of which pages to read and which tasks to complete.



Please ensure reading records are signed whenever you have read (this may be your school reading book, school library book, or a book from home). We ask that you read AT LEAST once a week and that this is evidenced through signing the reading record. Reading is integral to all learning and encourages people to develop their own ideas and a curiosity of the world around them and is one of the most important ways in which you can support your child. 


Times Tables Rock Stars:

This should be accessed as often as possible, at least once a week. Recalling times tables fluently frees up working memory for children to solve more complex mathematical problems and provides them with more confidence in approaching a wide range of mathematical scenarios in school and the real world.


PE Days:

PE will take place on a Wednesday (indoors) and on a Thursday (outdoors). Your child needs to have their kit with them on these days to be able to access the learning fully and comfortably. Earrings, including studs, should not be worn, so if your child is unable to remove them independently, they should not wear them to school on PE days.


Spring 2 Newsletter

Hello and a warm welcome to the Year 6 class page! Please see the newsletter below for information about our learning this year. 


October-Christmas (Autumn 2)


PE will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays. Both indoor and outdoor kits will be needed. 


Homework day: Wednesday- children will select a task to do each week from the 12 on the sheet below. If there are any problems or queries about homework please do not hesitate to ask.  



Autumn 2 Information (October-Christmas 2023)

Homework Autumn 1

Class Newsletter Autumn 1

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