Mrs. O'Mara
Year 6
Our Christmas Craft Baubles
Autumn 2
PE will be on a Tuesday again this half term, please have all kits returned for the first day back and these remain in school until we break up for Christmas.
Forest School will be on a Thursday, please remember to send your child in with:
* wellies or walking boots
* waterproof coat and trousers
* spare clothes brought in a reusable bag
* warm clothing
On sunnier days sun hat and sun cream may be required.
Autumn 2 Homework
Autumn 2 Newsletter
Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan
Forest School Fun!
Indian Dance Workshop on Diwali
Autumn 1
Hello and a warm welcome to Year 6! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for your final year at Newchurch. Together, we will ensure that we have an excellent one!
Our PE days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. No jewellery should be worn and both indoor and outdoor kits will be needed due to the Rawtenstall weather!
Autumn 1 Class Newsletter
Autumn 1 Homework Tasks
Art Week!
What we are learning
The document below details the skills and knowledge children will acquire during our first half term.
SATs 2025
On our transition day last term, many of the children had questions to ask regarding the standard tests in May. Rest assured we will prepare your children for these without causing them undue worry or anxiety. Nearer the time, I will invite parents in for a meeting where dates, the format of the tests, and ways to support your child will be discussed. The following things throughout the year are extremely helpful in supporting your child's learning:
- Practicing times tables and division facts.
- Reading regularly a wide range of materials, not just stories.
- Discussing reading books with your child and encouraging a love of reading.
- Learning words on the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 spelling lists.
SATs information evening information.
For those who could not make it, or if you just wanted a recap, here is the powerpoint from the SATs information evening.